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The traditional Six Classics of Confucianism were compiled and edited by Confucius himself. Confucius organized the Book of Rites (Liji), the Book of Tone/Music (Yuejing), the Book of Poems/Songs (Shijing), the Book of Documentary(Shangshu), authored the Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu), and annotated IChing/the Book of Changes (Zhouyi), achieving such great accomplishments.
“易著天地阴阳四时五行,故长于变;礼经纪人伦,故长于行;书记先王之事,故长于 政;诗记山川溪谷禽兽草木牝牡雌雄,故长于风;乐乐所以立,故长于和;春秋辩是 非,故长于治人。“ - 司马迁
“ “IChing” describes the rule of universe, heaven and earth, Yin/Yang, four seasons and five elements, which is the essence of the rule of change; “Li Ji” regulates the rules of human behavior, which is the essence of living; “Shang Shu” records the story of previous saint kings which is the essence of politics; “Shi Jing” records the story of nature and environment which is the essence of expressing sentiments; “Classic of Tone” was edited for harmony; “Spring and Autumn” distinguish right from wrong, which is the essence of evaluation. “ --Sima Qian
The Four books and Five Classics 四书五经
Lun Yu (the Analects of Confucius) 《论语》
Da Xue (the Great Learning) 《大学》
Zhong Yong (the Doctrine of Mean) 《中庸》
Meng Zi (Mencius) 《孟子》
Shi Jing (the Classic of Poetry) 《诗经》
Shang Shu (the Classic of History 《尚书》
Li Ji (the Book of Rites/Etiquette and Manners 《礼记》
Chun Qiu (the Spring and Autumn Annuals) 《春秋》
I Ching 《周易》
The main education from Confucius
To establish oneself and help others.
Quoted from the 6th Chapter of “Analects of Confucius - Statement from the Master”
The Master (Confucius) said:
“Goal towards Tao, live with De, act upon Ren, swim in Yi.”
Confucianism is not merely a philosophy; it is a way of life that has provided spiritual nourishment and moral guidance for millions of people across centuries. We honor Confucius as a saint and revere him as the foundational leader of Confucianism, a tradition that has profoundly shaped the ethical, social, and political landscapes of East Asia and beyond. Alongside Confucius, we hold Mencius in high esteem as the "second sage," whose contributions further illuminate the path of virtue and righteousness.
Every day, the teachings of Confucianism enrich our minds and sustain our spirits, offering timeless wisdom on how to live harmoniously, cultivate personal virtue, and contribute to the well-being of society. Through the continuous study and application of Confucian principles, we find clarity and purpose, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with integrity and compassion. Confucianism remains a living tradition, guiding individuals towards a life of balance, respect, and moral excellence.
1. Goal towards Tao: Set up one’s goal to achieve Tao志于道
What is Tao? including metaphysical and physical.
A Quote from the book “Zhongyong” (the Doctrine of the Middle Way) 引用一段《中庸》:
“ How great is the Tao of the saints! Tao exists everywhere as flowing water! It can actively and constantly create and nourish everything in the world, and it is greater and higher than the heaven.”
“Therefore, a gentleman always respects virtues and tries to learn profound knowledge in the world, until his knowledge is comprehensive and exact. He always acts moderately although his achievement is extraordinary. He studies both traditional knowledge and new knowledge. He has the virtue of sincerity and tolerance, and he always respects culture and etiquette.”
2. Live with foundation of “De”(virtue/ morality). 据于德
As human being, one must start being a human being. Behave as a human being. The behaviour and actions must have the foundation of virtue and morality. “De” in Chinese also means achievement/gain. The action of morality will lead to fruitful achievement. Spiritual goal is to achieve Tao, and physical action shall be based upon virtue and morality.
立志虽要高远,但必须从人道起步。 “据于德”是为人处世的行为,古人解说德就是得,有成果就是德。思想是志于道,行为是依据德行。
3. Act based upon Ren. 依于仁
Ren means both mindfulness and action. The mindfulness of Ren means successful spiritual cultivation. With pure kindness of mind, one can truly love the world and people and be kind to others.
Eg. As described by Mozi: “Love everyone”, “unselfishness”.
Or Western culture “universal love, benevolence”.
“Act based upon Ren”. Any actions shall be based upon Ren. How to act and behave with virtue, morality and benevolence. One shall be truthful to oneself whether one is truly able to love the world and love others. With true universal love, one can love people, love surroundings, love the society, love the motherland and love the whole world.
4. Swim in Yi (knowledge/skills). 游于艺
With the achievement of Ren, one can learn knowledge, skills and arts.
Why “Swim” “游” : healthy and happy hobby of life. 健康快乐的生活乐趣
What is Yi: 6 Yi 六艺 (Zhou dynasty 3000 years ago 三千年前的周礼)
In Ancient Chinese teaching, anything related with knowledge and skills is kind of Art. Therefore, Yi is art. Anything included in 6 Yi are considered to be art.凡属六艺范围的都是艺。
1) Rites 礼
Philosophical, political, educational, social culture related knowledge. 包括了哲学的、政治的、教育的、社会的所有文化。
2) Sound/Tone 乐
Dancing, acting, theatre, musical, painting, and any other related knowledge and skills. 舞蹈、影剧、音乐、美术等等则属于乐。
3) Archery射
Military required skills. Martial arts. Any necessary physical skills including sports. 军事、武功方面,拉弓射箭,射击、击技、体育等
4) Chariotry or Equestrianism 御
Driving skills. Horses related in ancient time. Modern world will be cars, planes, spaceships. Etc. 以现代来说,驾车,当然也包括驾飞机、太空船
5) Literature 书
Any Literature and history related knowledge. Including reading, writing, calligraphy. 所有文学方面及历史方面的知识。包括阅读,写作,书法等等。
6) Number/Natural Science 数
Physics, chemistry, mathematics, and any natural science related knowledge and skills. 指自然科学方面的知识,比如物理,化学,数学等等。
Hundreds Schools of Thoughts 诸子百家
“the Essentials of Six Schools" listed in Shi Ji:
Yin-Yang, Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, Dialectician/Logicism, Taoism
《史记.论六家之要旨》: 阴阳,儒家,墨家,法家,名家,道家
Other Main Schools of Thoughts:
School of Diplomacy 纵横家
Agriculturalism 农家
School of the Military 兵家
School of the Medical Skills 方技家
Syncretism, or the School of Miscellany 杂家
School of "Minor-talks" 小说家

“the Essentials of Six Schools. Shi Ji"《史记.论六家之要旨》
"The world is the same, but there are hundred of different thoughts, which lead different routes but towards the same goal. Yin and yang, Confucianism, Mohism, Legalism, Dialectician/Logicism, and Taoism are the main ones, which taught different ways to try to solve problems in society and life. It is a matter of simple or complex."
- “the Essentials of Six Schools. Shi Ji"《史记.论六家之要旨》
"The Essentials of Six Schools" was written by (Sima Tan)Tai Shigong with certain meanings, and the sequence to talk about these schools also has been arranged with certain reasons. We need to understand carefully why the first of the six schools of thought begins with the school of Yin-Yang? The representatives of all the six schools are well-known figures more than 2,000 years ago. Each of them has made great achievements, and each of them is proficient in various knowledge, and then has different specialties. These six schools can represent all the knowledge of the various schools of thoughts, not only can have great influence on the country and society, but also have an eternal relationship with our human social life. Tai Shigong listed their essentials to make a general statement, aiming to point out the confusion for the world and leave the eternal truth for future generations. It is well-intentioned work and should really make our descendants feel grateful and pay homage to him.
The first one started from the Yin-Yang school, because the law we humans live by, is to follow nature which is the way of heaven(&earth) and cannot be violated. Next is the school of Confucianism. When human beings can survive in accordance with nature, they must pay attention to benevolence, righteousness, and morality. This is the importance of humanistic culture. The third school of thoughts is the hardworking and frugal school of Mohism. A frugal attitude towards life is the foundation for supporting the family and getting wealthy through hard work. The fourth school is legalism. When the economy develops and life becomes richer and better, corruption may occur. Legalism needs a sound legal system and clarification of people's responsibilities and honesty. Next, the fifth school is the logicism school. When the economy, civilization and law have developed to a certain stage, some people will take advantage of the loopholes in the law. There are more and more cases where the name does not match the truth. In the end, Tai Shigong wrapped up his comments with Taoism as the concluding paragraph, because all schools of thoughts originated from Taoism, which is the root of Chinese culture. In the end, human beings still return to one "Tao", which is a reasonable interpretation of "different routes towards the same goal".
Classical Chinese Poetry 诗词歌赋
Classical Chinese poetry includes:
Shi 诗, Ci 词, Qu 曲, Fu 赋
Shijing 诗经
Chuci 楚辞
Han poetry 乐府诗
Six Dynasties poetry 古体诗
Jian'an poetry 近体诗
Tang poetry 唐诗
Song poetry 宋词
Yuan poetry 元曲
Ming poetry
Ming-Qing Transition
Qing poetry
The Scholar's Four arts (Siyi四艺):
Music/Guqin, Weichi/Go, Calligraphy, and Painting. They were the four main academic and artistic talents required of the aristocratic ancient Chinese scholars.琴棋书画为文人修身养性所必须掌握的技能和文化素养。
“中国文化,自古以来,并不像西洋文化那样,是把哲学、史学、文学、诗人、政治家,加一分隔的。十八九世纪以前的中国,素来是文哲不分、文史不分、文政不分,是混为一体的文化学问。过去了不起的政治家,也就是哲学家、史学家、诗人、学者。如果你要研究中国的哲学,不会中国的文学、诗词、歌曲,不懂“二十六史”,就很难说是真能通达博雅了。” - 南怀瑾大师
"Different from Western culture, the ancient Chinese did not separate the studies about philosophy,history, literature, poetry or politics. Before the 19th century, Chinese educated people always studied combined knowledge of culture, and they created literature with the meaning of philosophy, history or politics. This means: the past outstanding Chinese politicians were also outstanding philosophers, historians, poets and scholars.
If you would like to study Chinese philosophy, you will need to study Chinese literature, poetry, musical lyrics, and the 26 Chinese historiographies. Otherwise, it is unlikely you can claim to understand the Chinese philosophy thoroughly. " - Nan Huaijin

Records of the Grand Historian史記: The period from the Yellow Emperor to the Emperor Wu of Han. - Sima Qian 司马迁(Han dynasty)91 BC
Book of Han漢書: Western HanXin dynasty. - Ban Gu 班固 (Han dynasty)82 AD
Records of the Three Kingdoms三國志: Cao Wei,Shu Han,Eastern Wu. - Chen Shou 陈寿(Jin dynasty)289 AD
Book of the Later Han後漢書: Eastern Han. -Fan Ye 范晔(Liu Song)445 AD
Book of Song宋書: Liu Song. Shen Yue 沈约 (Liang dynasty)488
Book of Southern Qi南齊書: Southern Qi. - Xiao Zixian 萧子显 (Liang dynasty)537
Book of Wei 魏書: Northern Wei, Eastern Wei. - Wei Shou魏收 (Northern Qi)554
Book of Liang梁書: Liang dynasty. - Yao Silian姚思廉 (Tang dynasty)636
Book of Chen陳書: Chen dynasty. - Yao Silian姚思廉 (Tang dynasty)636
Book of Northern Qi北齊書: Northern Qi. - Li Baiyao李百药 (Tang dynasty)636
Book of Zhou周書: Western Wei,Northern Zhou. -Linghu Defen 令狐德棻 (Tang dynasty)636
Book of Sui隋書: Sui dynasty. - Wei Zheng魏征(Tang dynasty)636
Book of Jin晉書: Western Jin, Eastern Jin. - Fang Xuanling 房玄龄 (Tang dynasty)648
History of the Southern Dynasties南史: Liu Song,Southern Qi,Liang dynasty,Chen dynasty. -Li Yanshou李延寿 (Tang dynasty)659
History of the Northern Dynasties北史: Northern Wei, Eastern Wei,Western Wei,Northern Qi, Northern Zhou,Sui dynasty. - Li Yanshou李延寿 (Tang dynasty)659
Old Book of Tang舊唐書: Tang dynasty. -Liu Xu 刘昫 (Later Jin)945
Old History of the Five Dynasties舊五代史: Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin,Later Han,Later Zhou. - Xue Juzheng薛居正 (Song dynasty)974
Historical Records of the Five Dynasties五代史記: Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou. - Ouyang Xiu欧阳修 (Song dynasty)1053Also called "New History of the Five Dynasties" (新五代史)
New Book of Tang新唐書: Tang dynasty. - Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修(Song dynasty)1060
History of Liao遼史: Liao dynasty, Western Liao. - Toqto'a 脱脱(Yuan dynasty)1343
History of Jin金史: Jin dynasty. - Toqto'a 脱脱(Yuan dynasty)1345
History of Song宋史: Northern Song, Southern Song. Toqto'a 脱脱(Yuan dynasty)1345
History of Yuan元史: Yuan dynasty. - Song Lian 宋濂,Wang Hui王袆 (Ming dynasty)1370
History of Ming明史: Ming dynasty. - Zhang Tingyu 张廷玉, Wan Sitong万斯同 (Qing dynasty) 1739
New Record of the History of Yuan 新元史: Yuan dynasty. - Ke Shaomin柯劭忞(Min Guo) 1920
History of Qing清史稿: Qing dynasty. - Zhao Erxun赵尔巽, Ke Shaomin柯劭忞 (Min Guo) 1928
The Agama Sutra 《阿含经》
The Shurangama Sutra 《楞严经》
The Medicine Buddha Sutra 《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》
The Origin of Birth Sutra 《佛说难陀入胎经》
The Reincarnation Sutra 《三世因果经》
The Nirvana Sutra 《涅槃经》
The Sandhi Nirmocana Sutra 《解深密经》
The Anapanasati Sutra 《佛说大安般守意经》
The Sutra of Answers to the Questions from Veda Vyasa”
《毘耶娑問經》 -
The Sutra of Essential Ways of Practice of Samadhi 《佛说禅密要法经》
The Vimalakirti Sutra 《维摩诘经》
The Lotus Sutra 《妙法莲华经》
The Avatamsaka Sutra 《华严经》
The Lankavatara Sutra 《楞伽经》
The Amitabha Sutra 《佛说阿弥陀经》
The Infinite Life Sutra 《佛说大乘无量寿经》
The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 《圆觉经》
The Diamond Sutra 《金刚经》
The Heart Sutra 《心经》
The Dhammapada 《法句经》
The Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra 《大般若经》
The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra 《地藏菩萨本愿经》
The Maharatnakuta Sutra 《大宝积经》
The Sutra of Different Karma 《佛说分别业报经》
The Sutra of Transmigration in Six Destinies 《六趣轮回经》
The Sutra of the Six Destinies 《佛说六道伽陀经》
The Chan Sutra of Buddhabhadra 《达摩多罗禅经》
The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖坛经》
The Yogacarabhumi-sastra 《瑜伽师地论》
The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom 《大智度论》
The Treatise on the Middle Way 《中论》
The Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only 《成唯识论》
Abdhiharma Mahavibhasa Sastra 《阿毗达摩大毗婆沙论》
Verses on the Treasury of Abhidharma 《阿毗达摩俱舍论》
Shariputra's Abhidharma Sastra 《舍利佛阿毗昙论》
Dharmaskandha (by Maudgalyayana) 《阿毗达摩法蕴足论》
Tripiṭaka (Sanskrit: [trɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]) or තිපිටක (Sinhala: [tɪˈpɪʈɐkɐ]) 《大藏经》:
meaning "Triple Basket", is the traditional term for ancient collections of Buddhist sacred scriptures
The Sutra Piṭaka 经藏;the Vinaya Piṭaka律藏;and the Abhidhamma Piṭaka 论藏
4,200 volumes经籍,23,000 books卷,100million Chinese characters一亿多字
Include ancient theories of Brahmanism. Very important record for scholars to study ancient Indian culture.
The four important books in Abhidharmma collections: 佛学论藏里的四部大论:
1. The Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom《大智度论》 : by Nāgārjunabodhisattva龙树菩萨
2. Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra《瑜伽师地论》: by Maitreya弥勒菩萨,Asanga无著菩萨,translated by Xuan Zang Master玄藏法师译.
17 levels of practices and 5 stages of Enlightenment. 十七个次地修证,五乘道;
3. Samatha & Vipassana of Mahayana《摩呵止观》: by Master Zhi Zhe of Tiantai School of Buddhism 天台宗智者大师
4. Zong Jin Lu《宗镜录》: by Master Yongming Yanshou永明延寿禅师。
The two Important books in Tibetan Buddist Abhidharmma collections 藏传:
1. Bodhipathapradīpa《菩提道距论》: by Atiśa印度阿底峡尊者
2. Lamrim Chenmo《菩提道次第广论》: by Zongkaba宗柯巴大师
The Classic of Mountain and Seas 《山海经》
Huangdi Neijing (the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor 《黄帝内经》
Dao De Jing (Laozi) 《道德经》/《老子》
Chong Xu Jing (Liezi)《冲虚经》《列子》
Nan Hua Jing (Zhuangzi)《南华经》《庄子》
Huangdi Yinfu Jing 《黄帝阴符经》
Huangdi Sijing (Yellow Emperor's Four Classics) 《黄帝四经》
Yuzi 《鬻子》- Yu Xiong鬻熊
Wen Shi Zhen Jing 《文史真经》- Yin Xi 尹喜
Tong Xuan Zhen Jing 《通玄真经》 - Xin Wenzi 辛文子(计然子)
The Art of War 《孫子兵法》 - Sun Wu 孙武
Can Tong Qi 《参同契》- Wei Boyang 魏伯阳
Huang Ting Jing (The Yellow Court Classic) 《黄庭经》
Huai Nanzi 《淮南子》
The Fifteen Doctrines for Practitioners by Master Wang Chongyang《重阳立教十五论》
The Scripture of Pure Mind《清静经》- Ge Xuan 葛玄
The Master of Simplicity《抱朴子》- Ge Hong葛洪
Practice to Enlightenment《悟真篇 》- Zhang Boduan张伯端
The Path to Immortality《紫清指玄集》- Bai Yuchan白玉蟾
The Teaching from Master Zhong and Master Lu《钟吕传道集 》- Zhong Liquan钟离权, Lu Dongbing吕洞宾
The Way Back to True Nature《还丹复命篇》- Xue Daoguang薛道光
The View of Tao《道言浅见说》 - Zhang Sanfeng张三丰
The Transformation《化书》- Tan Xiao 谭峭
The Results of Actions 《太上感应篇》
The Secret of the Golden Flow 太乙金华宗旨 - Lu Dongbin吕洞宾
The List of Immortals 《列仙传》 - Liu Xiang刘向
He Guanzi《鹖冠子》-He Guanzi 鹖冠子
Origin of Chinese Culture is Tao中华文化源于道
Pangaea盘古大陆:335 million years ago 3亿年前 “Classic of Mountains and Seas” 《山海经》
From Pangu to the Three Emperors盘古时代到三皇: 300 million years ago to around 3 million years ago 3亿年前到大约300万年前
Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong, Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), 伏羲,女娲,神农,黄帝: 3 millions years ago to ago to 5000 yrs ago 3百万年前 到5000年前
Yao, Shun, Yu尧舜禹: 5000 years ago to 4000 years ago
Xia(King Qi), Shang(King Tang), Zhou(King Wu) 夏(启),商(汤),周(武王): 4000 years ago to 3000 years ago
King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, Duke of Zhou文武周公
Laozi, Confucius, hundreds of Schools of Thoughts老子,孔子, 诸子百家
Daozang(Full collections of Taoist scriptures)道藏: 12 catalogues, 1476 volumes 经书, 5485books卷, 60 million Chinese characters 三洞四辅十二类
Nous sommes une seule famille.
Les Quatre Civilisations Ancestrales les Plus Anciennes :
China Mésopotamie (Babylonie) : Fleuve Tigre, Fleuve Euphrate
Vallée de l'Indus
Pangée : 335 millions d'années
“Le Classique des Montagnes et des Mers” 《山海经》
La Pangée (/pænˈdʒiː.ə/) était un supercontinent qui existait durant la fin du Paléozoïque et le début du Mésozoïque. Elle s’est formée à partir des unités continentales plus anciennes de Gondwana, Euramérique et Sibérie pendant la période carbonifère, il y a environ 335 millions d'années, et a commencé à se diviser il y a environ 200 millions d'années, à la fin du Trias et au début du Jurassique. Contrairement à la répartition actuelle des masses continentales, la Pangée était centrée sur l'équateur et entourée par l'océan superocéan Panthalassa et les océans Paléo-Téthys et Téthys. La Pangée est le supercontinent le plus récent à avoir existé et le premier à avoir été reconstruit par les géologues.
Autres Cultures Anciennes
Culture Grecque
Culture Romaine

The Published Books by Master Nan Huaijin
1.《禅海蠡测 》(1955)
2.《楞严大义今释》 (1960)
3.《楞伽大义今释》 (1965)
4.《禅与道概论 》(1968)
5.《维摩精舍丛书袁焕仙南怀瑾合著》 (1970)
6.《禅话》 (1973)
7.《静坐修道与长生不老》 (1973)
8.《论语别裁》 (1976)
9.《习禅录影》 (1976)
10.《新旧的一代 》(1977)
11.《参禅日记(初集,原名:外婆禅)金满慈著南怀谨批 》(1980)
12.《参祥日记(续集)金满慈著南怀谨批 》(1983)
13.《定慧初修袁焕仙南怀瑾合著 》(1983)
14.《孟子旁通(一)》 (1984)
15.《净名庵诗词拾零.佛门楹联廿一副.金粟轩诗话八讲》 (1984)
16.《观音菩萨与观音法门》 (1985)
17.《历史的经验(一)》 (1985)
18.《道家、密宗与东方神秘学》 (1985)
19.《中国文化泛言(原名:序集)》 (1986)
20.《历史的经验(二)》 (1986)
21.《禅观正脉(上)》 (1986)
22.《一个学佛者的基本信念——华严经普贤行愿品讲记 》(1986)
23.《老子他说(上)》 (1987)
24.《中国佛教发展史略述》 (1987)
25.《中国道教发展史略述》 (1987)
"Spanning five thousand years of history and ten thousand miles, mastering the three great teachings(Taoism,Confucianism & Buddhism) and encompassing the wisdom of a hundred schools of thought."
26.《易经杂说——易经哲学之研究 》(1987)
27.《金粟轩纪年诗初集》 (1987)
28.《如何修证佛法》 (1989)
29.《易经系传别讲》 (1991)
30.《圆觉经略说》 (1992)
31.《金刚经说什么》 (1992)
32.《药师经的济世观》 (1995)
33.《原本大学微言》 (1998)
34.《南怀瑾选集(十册合集)》 (2003)
35.《花雨满天 维摩说法》 (2005)
36.《论语别裁》 (2005)
37.《答问青壮年参禅者》 (2005)
38.《南怀瑾说佛:现代学佛者修证对话 》(2007)
39.《南怀瑾与彼得.圣吉:关于禅、生命和认知的对话 》(2007)
41.《人生的起点和终点》 (2008)
42.《小言黄帝内经与生命科学 》(2008)
43.《老子他说 续集》 (2009)
44.《禅与生命的认知初讲》 (2009)
45.《南怀瑾先生答问集》 (2009)
46.《我说参同契》 (2009)
47. 《老子他说续集》 (2010)
48. 《维摩诘的花雨满天(上下册)》 (2010)

Ancient Chinese astronomy 古代中国星象学
Foundation of Yin & Yang, 5 elements, Trigrams and hexagrams are based upon astronomy.
I Ching: the rule of the universe. 日月之谓易。”易YI” means Sun and Moon. The rule of our solar system.
Three I Ching 三易
Gui Cang IChing 《归藏易》: by Yellow Emperor
Lian Shan IChing 《连山易》: by Shen Nong
Zhou Yi 《周易》: written by three saints. King of Wen, Duke of Zhou and Confucius

The 64 Hexagrams (round and square):The round sequence of the 64 Hexagrams represents the time of the universe, which shows the rule of changes of the universe. The square sequence of the 64 Hexagrams represents space and directions.
64卦的方圆图: 圆图管宇宙的时间,代表宇宙的运行法则。方图代表方位方向。
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