DATE: April 23rd to 25th, 2024
Location: Nanjing, P.R. China
From April 23rd to April 25th, Nanjing Association for Culture Communication (NACC), the Interessensgemeinschaft Asiatische Kultur e.V. (IAK) from Switzerland, and Health & Happiness AG from Switzerland jointly organized a grand cultural and technological exchange event in Nanjing.
The theme of this cultural exchange was "Health Starts with Breathing." Notable attendees included Mr. Mario Domig, Executive Director of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF); Ms. Jian Geyang, President of the IAK; Mr. Marian Siegert, CEO of the Health & Happiness AG & Group; Mr. Loïc de Prado, Junior Project Manager from Swissnex in China; and Ms. Vittoria Pesenti, General Manager of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China.
此次文化交流的主题是:健康从呼吸开始。联合国国际呼吸基金会(IBF)执行董事Mario Domig先生,瑞士亚洲文化协会主席简歌扬女士,瑞士贺荷集团首席执行长官Marian Siegert金马先生,瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心初级项目经理Loïc de Prado 董乐凯先生和中国瑞士商会总经理Vittoria Pesenti维卡女士出席了本次活动。
Highlights of the Event:
1. Nanjing International Hospital Symposium
On the morning of April 24th, a Swiss delegation led by Mr. Mario Domig visited the Nanjing International Hospital affiliated with Nanjing Medical University. They engaged in discussions with experts and scholars in the field of life sciences in Nanjing, sharing advanced medical technology and management experience. This exchange aimed to strengthen international cooperation in the medical field while promoting cultural exchanges between China and Switzerland.
4月24日上午,Mario Domig先生等组成的瑞士代表团走进南京大学医学院附属南京国际医院,与南京生命科学领域专家学者举行座谈会,分享先进的医疗技术和管理经验,促进中瑞文化交流的同时,加强医疗领域的国际合作。
2. Nanjing World Literary Salon
This event is not only a technological and cultural exchange but also a comprehensive exchange and cooperation plan. We showcased not only Nanjing's technological achievements to the Swiss guests who traveled from afar but also displayed Nanjing's cultural heritage and local customs.
On the morning of April 25th, the Swiss delegation visited the Nanjing World Literary Salon. They learned about Nanjing's literary development over the past 2500 years and its relationship with the city's evolution. The salon showcased why Nanjing was selected as China's first and only "World Literary Capital," allowing the Swiss guests to experience firsthand Nanjing's profound historical and cultural heritage.
3. Dialogue with International Breathwork Masters

Breathing is one of the most fundamental functions of human life, with significant implications for everyone's daily life and work. By consciously adjusting the depth, rhythm, and manner of breathing, it is possible to influence the autonomic nervous system, thereby regulating both physiological and psychological states.
In the afternoon of April 25th, the Swiss delegation conducted a lecture titled "Dialogue with International Breathwork Masters" at the New Art Museum of NACC.
Mr. Mario Domig from IBF introduced cutting-edge breathwork therapy courses, Ms. Jian Geyang from IAK introduced Inhalation aromatherapy and emotional management, and Mr. Marian Siegert from the Health & Happiness AG presented Swiss humanities and culture.
IBF国际呼吸基金会执行董事Mario Domig先生向大家讲授最前沿的呼吸疗愈课程
Innovative technology shapes the future
创新科技 共见未来
To further promote cultural exchanges between China and Switzerland, Nanjing Association for Cultural Communication(NACC) signed an agreement with the Interessensgemeinschaft Asiatische Kultur e.V. (IAK) to establish a long-term partnership.

As Bern, the capital of Switzerland, is the economical cooperation city of Nanjing, and next year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Switzerland, this event signifies a significant step in cultural exchange between the two countries. It not only promotes commercial cooperation and economic development but also advances academic exchanges and provides more learning opportunities for young students. Moreover, it offers channels for artists from both countries to communicate and enrich the cultural lives of their people.

Through this event, we hope to conduct more exchanges and collaborations in the future, bringing more opportunities and benefits to the people of both countries and injecting new vitality into Sino-Swiss friendly exchanges.